Monday, November 12, 2012

Prep life in a Condo - Intro

      Almost two years ago, at the urging of a few friends, I decided that I should start keeping certain things in my house "just in case." Some people call it prepping, some call it hoarding, in today's economy I call it smart. Many people ask how they can get started, which is really easy, and rather addicting, so there's your warning. Other people (like my mother) ask my why I bother. I love that question, so simple in its intent, yet with such wide-ranging answers that I could not even sum it up in a few words. I usually shrug and say "well, why not?" People prep for all sorts of reasons, and none of those reasons are wrong. I personally enjoy the piece of mind that comes with having a well stocked pantry, and a few extra dollars in cash. So, indeed, why not?

      I am a single mother, and let's face it, my first concern is for the welfare of my 8 year old son. I'm going to throw my own well-being into that statement as well since a boy his age wouldn't do very well out on his own. We live in a 2 bedroom condo which has no yard at all and very poor sunlight on the back porch, heck, even the windows don't get enough light to grow anything like tomatoes. For the most part we live paycheck-to-paycheck like almost everyone does these days. So I am very sorry if I have just busted all of your excuses for not prepping, even with very little room and extra cash, it can be done. I hope that by reading my humble blog, which will touch on many different topics, you will make the choice to start doing something for the safety and protection of your family each day.

     I intend for this to be a very open account of my own endeavors, all comments are welcome but flaming and spamming will not be tolerated. My opinions are my own, and I am conservative and Christian. I'm not an expert on much of anything and will state things as plainly as possible. Many of my friends are experts in their fields, and I will give information on things I have learned through them. OPSEC will be observed throughout this blog for safety. (OPSEC - operational security; keeping your mouth shut about personal information. Names will be changed, and some things will be vague on purpose.)

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