Friday, November 16, 2012

Take a Look Around, What do You See?

While I was between classes today, I watched as one of my peers primped herself in a mirror and could not help but to think of the number of times we, men and women alike, look at ourselves in a mirror. We spend hours each week fretting over what shirt goes with which shoes, whether we are getting wrinkles or spots, and assuring ourselves that every strand of hair in in perfect compliance to the image we are attempting to portray to the world that day. Yet, how much time do you spend each week verifying that you have enough supplies to get you through a winter storm? Do you check and recheck your guns to make sure they are clean, lubed, and loaded?  Could you spend less time primping and more time learning self-defense, or teaching your kids how to use a blow dart gun accurately?

As we head into this week of Thanksgiving, I challenge everyone to think about your family. Think of what it may take for each one of them to survive a massive disaster. Talk with them about preparing their own supplies, even if they think you are crazy. Spend some quality time with your own thoughts on just how you would handle a disastrous event when food and water are scarce, and looting is rampant. Use the holiday as a brief interlude for reflection as well as thanksgiving.

Also, gather up your canning supplies, and dust off your pressure canner (borrow your grandmother’s if you need to). Thanksgiving is known for leftovers, and turkey soup canned in the pantry is great for a quick meal. I’m going to be canning meat and pumpkin next week, and will be posting directions with pictures!

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